Kristoffer Raun
Sunday 01 October 2006 6:19:24 am
I'm trying to fetch all class 19.
In my class i have a single selection drop down box, where one can select between 15 different options.
For each option there can be several documents where the option has been selected. I want to fetch the data corresponding to selection 0 first (prehaps several objects), then commence to selection 1, and so on. This is my problem part:
{section loop=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,class_filter_array,array(19),'sort_by', array( 'published', false() ) ,'attribute_filter', array(array( 'rekordfisk/fiskeart_rekord', '=', '$num:index' ))))}
I have defined $num:index as a inc. number, from 0 to 14 and i want to fetch all the objects of the class 19 with eg. selection 0, then selection 1 and so on
My code should do the following
Fetch all class 19 with selection 0 on, sorted by publishing date
Fetch all class 19 with selection 1 on, sorted by publishing date
Fetch all class 19 with selection 2 on, sorted by publishing date ............. does the explanation makes sense? (I'm affraid it's a bit unclear) full code below: Thanks in advance
{let fiskclass=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,class_filter_array,array(19)))}
{section name=num loop=15}
{let fishnew=1}
{let fishold=1}
{section loop=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,class_filter_array,array(19),'sort_by', array( 'published', false() ) ,'attribute_filter', array(array( 'rekordfisk/fiskeart_rekord', '=', '$num:index' ))))}
{switch match=$num:fishnew}
{case match=1}
<b>{attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskeart_rekord}</b><br>
Fisken vejede: {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskevaegt_rekord} kg.<br>
Længden af fisken: {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskelaengde_rekord} cm.<br>
Fanget af: {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskeuvnavn_rekord}<br><br>
{set fishnew=2}
{case match=2}
{switch match=$num:fishold}
{case match=1}
De(n) gamle rekord(er) var:<br>
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskeuvnavn_rekord}, {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskevaegt_rekord} kg., {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskelaengde_rekord} cm.<br>
{set fishold=2}
{case match=2}
{attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskeuvnavn_rekord}, {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskevaegt_rekord} kg., {attribute_view_gui attribute=$:item.object.data_map.fiskelaengde_rekord} cm.<br>
<i>If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.</i>
W. Edwards Deming