Monday 16 February 2004 1:48:53 am
Hi, While testing the ez search engine, I found problems searching cyrillic text case insensitive (and other strange problems like geting search result consisting of ALL nodes in the content tree; but this is another story). Diging out ezsearchengine, ezlocale etc, I can not found any call to ezlocale.php:initPHP(), where is the actual call to PHP function setlocale(). setlocale() must be called with appropriate locale info in order PHP to be able to compare/sort etc. I put a call to initPHP() in <ezroot>/index.php and now it is OK. Is this the right aproach or not ?
Here is:
Latest EZpublish
Latest PHP 4.X
Apache 1.3.X MySQL 3.XX
regards, plamendp