Wednesday 08 June 2005 2:23:22 am
- How compatible will eZ 3 extensions be with eZ 4
There will be differences since we are upgrading not only eZ publish itself but the underlying libraries (Components) also. We will however document all the changes that we do to make the transition as easy as possible.
- What's the upgrade path, how will the upgrade path effect developers with existing custom extensions and components?
The upgrade path will go through eZ publish 3.7. We will create scripts and tools to automate as much as possible (e.g all database content)
- Will the Online Editor 4 support localization, (internationalized) spell checking and ability to cut/paste from Word/OO (while retaining formatting)?
All very good ideas. However, there are no special plans for OE for 4.0 right now. That said, OE will receive more attention in the coming months, you might see some of your requests being resolved long before 4.0.
- Will eZ Publish 4 / OE have drag and drop related objects
Probably not, since we focus on improving existing functionality in eZ publish 4.0. This sort of functionality is more likely to be found in 4.1 or 4.2.
- Will the Enterprise Components include XMLHTTP (access and manipulate eZ publish information dynamically via javascript)
- Will the eZ publish 4 Administrator have hooks to possibly support xmlhttp
There is a good chance that the components will include some sort of AJAX functionality. The communication with eZ publish itself has to be made in eZ publish 4.0 naturally.
- Will workflow be improved to true workflow?
Yes. We would also like to hear your opinions about the functionality to implement.
- Will eZ Publish have a new "skin"
If you are talking about the administration interface we will probably clean up a lot of the functionality to make it easier to use. A complete new design like the one we made for 3.5 is not likely.
- Will there be new help in the administrator
If you are thinking of inline help this is an idea that is in our big 4.0 list that we have to narrow down to the final 4.0 feature list. We will let you know as soon as we know the final features to be found in eZ publish 4.0.