Thursday 10 July 2008 4:44:50 pm
Hi Jeff Thanks for that, great to see! Very interested in a English translation, but should be able to muddle through with an automated one. ( ) There was a discussion on accessibility and usability in eZ Publish at the developer day prior to the eZ conference and a lot of support to improve these areas was voiced. I've started making some adjustments to the lower levels (dataype) templates and have put the current "work in progress" up here Please sign up to the project if you are interested in contributing. One of the great features of eZ Publish is that you have control over all aspects of the rendered (X)HTML and you can produce sites with a high level of accessibility. We've created sites that have been audited by Vision Australia. The other point I'd like to make is that some of the WCAG guidelines are difficult and in some cases impracticable to implement, especially when you get into the AAA items. So what level should eZ strive for? Any other checklists that should be incorporated ( e.g. Section 508 )
cheers Bruce
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