Wednesday 13 April 2005 2:15:47 am
Greetings All! Salai: eZ publish is available under two different licenses, the eZ publish Professional License (eZPL) and the GNU General Public License (GPL). The eZPL is designed for commercial and proprietary use. If you own one or more eZPL licenses, you can distribute modified or re-branded versions of eZ publish to any other eZPL license holder under any terms you desire. The cost for an eZPL license varies based on how many sites or servers you want to use eZ publish for. See for pricing. The GPL is designed for non-proprietary use, be it commercial or non-commercial. You may distribute modified versions of GPL-licensed eZ publish, as long as you distribute the entire work, including your modifications, under the GPL. I hope that this is clear. Kracker? Ralph? Is this clear to you?