Thursday 08 July 2004 10:02:15 am
Hi! I have this code to show my article's comments:
{$node.object.published|l10n(datetime)} | by {$|wash()}
I changed my siteaccess to use the share/locale/por-BR.ini file:
When I use <b>l10n(datetime)</b> code, the days of the week hasn't translated. Example: <b>Tuesday</b> 06 Julho 2004 02:33:34 | by Leandro But when I use <b>l10n(date)</b> code, the days of the week has translated, but the output isn't how I want Example: <b>Terça</b> 06 Julho 2004 | by Leandro <b>What Can I do to use l10n(datetime) with the correct translation?</b>
Thanks! Leandro