Marcin Drozd
Friday 14 July 2006 11:10:38 am
I have two siteaccess (en with eng-GB and pl with pol-PL language) and two design (en and pl).
I create an object on en site, ContentObjectLanguageCode is eng-GB (and language version is eng-GB) and I can add translation pol-PL. Everythings ok
But when I create an object on pl site, I cannot add translation eng-GB (because eng-GB is default language). I have only pol-PL transation. When I edit again this object, I can change pl value of attribute, but I can change en, because there is nothing to change. Next, I send for publishing, and I cannot see eng version (all attributes disappear) - pol is ok. I know it is possible with eZp3.8, but is it possible with eZp3.7 ?