Tim Krah
Wednesday 27 October 2004 1:23:46 am
Hi comunity!
My problem is the following:
Say I have an user named 'Tux' with login 'tux'. Now I delete this user, furthermore remove the user from trash.
I would think all references to this user are now eliminated. But anyhow I can't create a new user with login 'tux', eZpublish is claiming 'User account: Login name already exists, please choose another one.' How can it be? I deleted the user and removed the object from trash!? Am I doing something wrong?
Marco Zinn
Friday 12 November 2004 2:32:07 am
we had this issue, too, in earlier version. I think, you should upgrade.
Another option would be direct DB manipulation, but this will probably lead to an inconsistent DB:
In the table ezuser_user (or similar), you'll probably find your "tux" user. When you delete it from this table (or just change the login name from "tux" to "tux_old"), ez should be able to create a new "tux" user. You'll need some MySQL client for this, of course (command line mysql or phpMyAdmin will do fine).