Tuesday 25 November 2008 8:43:41 am
I just began to discover Ajax and really appreciate the eZ Xajax extension (http://projects.ez.no/ezxajax) that enables to use ajax based extensions such as :
http://projects.ez.no/ezxajax_classattribute http://ez.no/developer/contribs/applications/star_rating Working on a "productive web application" projet, I was wondering if someone has already managed to <b>let users edit attributes of an existing content from the "view" view and with Ajax</b> (ie. without reloading the page...)? For example, changing the value of a "status" attribute (selection datatype) from "to do" to "done" or changing the value of the "name" attribute (text line datatype) after a simple double click... Thanks in advance for sharing code or ideas :-)