Friday 15 September 2006 6:05:53 pm
I have a experience which is related to above problem i think. I am setting up a multisite system on one database. Each subsite gets assigned a separate subtree and siteaccess. IndexPage, DefaultPage and PathPrefix are used to make each subsite to start on its own indexpage and to remove /subsitename/ path from URLs. Also I did set RootNode in content.ini to point on the subsite indexpage, as I thought this was its function. That ini setting is totally undocumented though. I was using it in templates to make menus start at right level etc. However this appears to have been a mistake. At first look everything worked fine until I edited the subsite root page (in user siteaccess, where RootNode setting was in power. After that the path for all nodes in subtree was broken. Subsite root that used to be "/subsite/rootpage" had become "__1" and pages under it "/subsite/rootpage/subpage" -> "__1/subpage" etc. The mangled paths can be fixed again by editing that node in admin where RootNode still points to 2. Apparently the RootNode setting should not be used by developers for anything at least until its function is documented and clear. I will also file a bug on this.
Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
zurgutt at