Tuesday 26 July 2011 2:13:56 am
What else should I look at? I did a fetch to get the root nodes for the navigation:
$root_items = fetch('content', 'list',
hash('parent_node_id', 2,
'sort_by', array( 'priority', false() ),
'attribute_filter', array("and", array("node_id", "in", $root_nodes))
There is an attribute 'page' that is type 'Layout' and holds the zones for eZFlow (right?)
So I iterate the root items for my navigation.
Each of the root items has some children, each of them has a eZFlow layout in attribute 'page'. I can see values for id and zone_identifier as shown above, but no blocks array.
{foreach $root_items as $object}
<li class="navnode">
<a href={$object.data_map.url_alias|ezurl} class="navlink">{$object.data_map.title.data_text|wash(xhtml)}</a>
{if $object.children|count|gt(0)}
<div class="navnode">
{include uri='design:controls/nav_lvl1.tpl' elements=$item.children}
<div class="navnode subnode">
<div class="c9" style="background: white;">
{foreach $object.children[0].data_map.page.content.zones as $zone}
{if $zone.zone_identifier|eq('guide')}
<!-- GUIDE
{foreach $zone.blocks as $block}
{block_view_gui block=$block}
<div class="nav_end"></div>