Tuesday 07 July 2009 6:20:54 am
Hi. I have two questions. Maybe they're not related to eZFind but Solr itself, but maybe some of you has similar issues. First One. I would like to know if it's possible find a way to search for Articles that starts with a letter. I'll try to explain. Supponse you have two articles. One is entitled 'Once upon a time' and the other one is 'in and old country'. Doing a search like
{def $search = fetch('ezfind', 'search', hash(
'query', '',
'class_id', array( 78 ),
'filter', 'article/title:o*'
i get these two articles in the results but i only 'need to find' the first one. trying to enquote the search doesn't work. so, i need a way, if possible, to work with wildcards and entire phrases. The second one is related to spanish tildes. Suppose you have a set of words like:
if i filter by 'a*' i get
and that's ok. but i only need to orther those words i get
So, is there any way to tell solr that 'á' should be between 'a' and 'b' for the orders? Thank you.