Alex Yes
Thursday 07 May 2009 9:51:20 am
I am trying to get the result of eZ Find as JSON-Object. Solr supports this by adding wt=json
at the query. As eZ Find does not directly supports this I am trying to do this via the function rawSolrRequest of ez Find. Has anyone successfully executed this function yet? I have tried the following without success:
fetch(ezfind, rawSolrRequest, hash(baseURL,'http://localhost:8983/solr/', request,'select?q=*:*'))
fetch(ezfind, rawSolrRequest, hash(baseURL,'http://localhost:8983/solr/', request,'select', parameters,array('q','*:*')))
Thanks, Alex
Alex Yes
Friday 08 May 2009 4:09:40 am
Problem was a bug in rawSolrRequest, see This is now working fine:
fetch(ezfind, rawSolrRequest, hash(baseURL,'http://localhost:8983/solr/', request,'select?q=*:*'))
Note: ez Publish is converting the Solr-result into an array even if the wt- parameter is set to "json". Alex