Friday 27 August 2010 6:24:26 am
The function "policyLimitationFilterQuery" in 2.1.0-final does not know how to deal with policies that include both subtree and node restrictions for content read. It combines both using "AND", which returns no results, but "OR" does. I can change the following on line 1425:
if ( count( $filterQueryPolicyLimitations ) > 0 )
$filterQueryPolicies[] = '( ' . implode( ' AND ', $filterQueryPolicyLimitations ) . ')';
} to:
if ( count( $filterQueryPolicyLimitations ) > 0 )
$filterQueryPolicies[] = '( ' . implode( ' OR ', $filterQueryPolicyLimitations ) . ')';
} but that solution is only good for testing. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thanks in advance.
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