Friday 09 October 2009 2:20:33 am
I am indexing some external data (with a crawl)
For that, I use the component Search It works well (now) but I have to develop my own operator to fetch my results Is there a way to have only one fetch for the ezpublish data and the external data ? It's a pity to separate the results .. Here is a part of the PHP code from my operator
$handler = new ezfmaSearchSolrHandler;
$manager = new ezcSearchEmbeddedManager;
$session = new ezcSearchSession( $handler, $manager );
$q = $session->createFindQuery( 'ezfmaServicePublic' );
$q->where($q->lOr($q->eq( 'title', $searchWord )));
$q->limit( 10 );
$r = $session->find( $q );
thx Fabien