Tuesday 22 February 2011 2:53:42 am - 10 replies

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At the end of this tutorial, you should be able to contribute to the eZ Publish Localization project using GIT. Localizing means adding new translations to eZ Publish, enhancing existing ones, and adding or enhancing locales (currencies, week days names, date formats, etc. ).

Author Message

Gaetano Giunta

Tuesday 22 February 2011 7:01:37 am

Definitely lacking instructions for wannabe translators on windows, where git cli is not nearly as used as the tortoisegit gui tool... (plus it bundles a full set of cli commands, perl and tcl! bleagh ;-) )

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 22 February 2011 7:08:04 am


Definitely lacking instructions for wannabe translators on windows, where git cli is not nearly as used as the tortoisegit gui tool... (plus it bundles a full set of cli commands, perl and tcl! bleagh ;-) )


as a windows and GIT user, you may have good tips to share, that we will integrate to this tutorial ?


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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Thiago Campos Viana

Tuesday 22 February 2011 11:52:18 am

Do I need to wait my pull request about new triggers/events be accepted before start doing more changes? Because I think if I made a pull request again it will be in the same pull request as the one before. Anyway, I think pt-BR is ok.

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Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 23 February 2011 1:15:15 am

@nico sorry, I'm not a git user by any stretch, yet :-)

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 23 February 2011 1:48:54 am


Do I need to wait my pull request about new triggers/events be accepted before start doing more changes? Because I think if I made a pull request again it will be in the same pull request as the one before. Anyway, I think pt-BR is ok.


Not being a GIT expert, i'd say it is not possible to have two distinct pull requests from the same branch. This means that we'll have to incorporate your first one before you can emit a second one. About your initial pull request, we may not be able to integrate this at the moment, since we are nearing deep-freeze on the master branch. But right after the release this should be sorted. In case you have additions/updates to make to the pt-BR translation, let us know, we'll find a solution.

Cheers and thanks Thiago !

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter: http://twitter.com/ezcommunity

t : http://twitter.com/jeanvoye
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Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 23 February 2011 1:49:15 am


@nico sorry, I'm not a git user by any stretch, yet :-)


What ?!?


Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter: http://twitter.com/ezcommunity

t : http://twitter.com/jeanvoye
G+ : http://plus.tl/jeanvoye

Damien Pobel

Friday 25 February 2011 3:38:25 pm

Just sent a pull request for the french translation : https://github.com/ezsystems/ezpublish/pull/24

What about translating extensions ? Can/Should we proceed with the same workflow to translate extensions ?

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Bertrand Dunogier

Sunday 27 February 2011 4:44:05 am

I don't see why we wouldn't accept contributions to extension translations. As good a pull request as any other :-)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Damien Pobel

Sunday 27 February 2011 9:14:30 am


I don't see why we wouldn't accept contributions to extension translations. As good a pull request as any other :-)


Sure, but the tutorial does not say anything on this, there may be a special thing on that...

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Damien Pobel

Sunday 27 February 2011 1:49:51 pm

To potential translators : translation files have not yet been updated... You need to run ezlupdate before translating extensions.


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