Wednesday 24 November 2010 9:51:04 am - 2 replies


Upgrading to eZ Publish Fuji (4.4) is going to happen on Tuesday Nov. 30th, full day from 8:00am GMT+1.

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Author Message

Gaetano Giunta

Wednesday 24 November 2010 10:21:40 am

+1 for the update. Then the madly sk1ll3d hack0rz will get loose on that site!

Principal Consultant International Business
Member of the Community Project Board

Nicolas Pastorino

Wednesday 24 November 2010 10:37:17 am


Then the madly sk1ll3d hack0rz will get loose on that site!


That's the idea :)

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

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