Unintended double-publishing, haven't heard anything about that?
I ment like half published objects because of DB error etc. Or double published objects because of some buggy script.
Some other toughts...
- why did yu use getParentNodeIdListByContentObjectID() instead of assigned_nodes?
- for sites with a lot of content, limit and offset should be used with subTreeByNodeID() so that you can check smaller amounts of node at a time and avoid breaking of the script.
- note that by using 2 as top node id, you will miss the nodes in other parts of the node tree (images, files, users)
Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!
I think I tried assigned nodes but it didn't work for some reason... not sure why now. But it wasn't more than a quick decision on the fly.
Yeah, limit and offset - I tend not to think of those until the script breaks. This one hasn't broken for me yet.
Node 2 - I tend to use node 2 by default because I tend to want that content without users, media, etc. but that's why the topNodeID is a parameter. I could see this being an easy way to see what groups users are in without having to access the user class.