Monday 22 February 2010 10:11:40 am - 19 replies


Following the alpha1 release of eZ Publish we are happy to announce the beta1 release. It builds on the alpha1 and provides further bugfixes and adjustements.

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Author Message

Damien Pobel

Tuesday 23 February 2010 5:38:00 am

There is small issue in the link to backwards compatibility information, it should probably be

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Nicolas Pastorino

Tuesday 23 February 2010 5:46:31 am


There is small issue in the link to backwards compatibility information, it should probably be


Thanks Damien, this is fixed now.

Have a good afternoon !

Nicolas Pastorino
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Ekkehard Dörre

Tuesday 23 February 2010 8:04:13 am


I made a short test for eZ Publish 4.3 beta , on the first view nice, but admin2 should use sprites or nice approach and the sprite:



Greetings, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Damien Pobel

Tuesday 23 February 2010 8:21:40 am

For a more optimized admin2 interface, you can use the admin2pp extension [1]. I planned to release a version for this beta this week (I hope...). It overrides the admin2 design to use sprites and some others improvements to improve loading performances.


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Ekkehard Dörre

Tuesday 23 February 2010 10:07:59 am

Hi Damien,

looks good, there are still a lot of class icons in different sizes ;-) :


    this.iconsList['article'] = wwwDirPrefix + "mimetypes/document.png";
Greetings, ekke - Over 40 years of certified eZ Publish know-how:
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Damien Pobel

Tuesday 23 February 2010 12:03:13 pm

I know :) but those images are not used as background but directly in <img /> tags so there's more work to include them in a sprite because you also need to override a lots of templates and change logic in them.

That's why there are only preloaded for the moment in the login page. It's on my TODO list though.


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Theodoros Papageorgiou

Saturday 27 February 2010 2:23:40 pm



The eZ publish roadmap mentions for the eZ Publish 4.3 release - March 30th, 2010:
AWS support Amazon S3 and Cloudfront native support

Where I can find more info on this?

Web Development

Bertrand Dunogier

Sunday 28 February 2010 8:46:21 am


The eZ publish roadmap mentions for the eZ Publish 4.3 release - March 30th, 2010:

AWS support Amazon S3 and Cloudfront native support

Where I can find more info on this?



Well, you can view the list of resolved issues by version in the roadmap on the eZ publish issue tracker:

But this will only cover bugfixes. You're left with the sourcecode, and trying the beta / rc versions.

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

Theodoros Papageorgiou

Sunday 28 February 2010 1:54:59 pm


You're left with the sourcecode, and trying the beta / rc versions.


Hi Bertrand,

Could not find anything for "AWS, Amazon S3, Cloudfront" in the source code of ezpublish-4.3.0-beta1-with_ezc-gpl. I've searched and browsed through the "kernel", "lib"and "settings" directories.
Where should I look?


Web Development

Guillaume Kulakowski

Monday 01 March 2010 3:07:05 am

There isn't feature about a new PDF export system ? I waiting this feature with impatience.

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Peter Keung

Monday 01 March 2010 8:07:46 am


There isn't feature about a new PDF export system ? I waiting this feature with impatience.


Have you looked at this extension?
Mugo Web, eZ Partner in Vancouver, Canada

Thiago Campos Viana

Monday 01 March 2010 10:42:51 am

Holy crap!

"All menu entries from design tab except Template, has been moved to setup tab".

Where's Template tab?

Answer: "If you want to enable design tab and / or Template link, see menu.ini".

It is one of the most useful admin area, I think it would be enabled by default. It is a big step to a less user-friend admin area.

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zurgutt -

Monday 01 March 2010 6:07:08 pm

The very last stage of 4.3.0 b1 install ends in a blank page after a 10 second load or so. Both external and included ezc versions were tested. There is nothing indicating a error in php error log or site error log. Server is successfully running number of 4.0 and 4.1 sites. Im at loss, any ideas?


Ubuntu 8.04 LTS , PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 , mysql 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 , Apache/2.2.8

Certified eZ developer looking for projects.
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Vidar Langseid

Tuesday 02 March 2010 12:53:02 am


The very last stage of 4.3.0 b1 install ends in a blank page after a 10 second load or so. Both external and included ezc versions were tested. There is nothing indicating a error in php error log or site error log. Server is successfully running number of 4.0 and 4.1 sites. Im at loss, any ideas?


Ubuntu 8.04 LTS , PHP 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6 , mysql 5.0.51a-3ubuntu5.4 , Apache/2.2.8


Haven't experienced this in our test environments though, but we have tested PHP5.2.12

You could try to increase max_execution_time and/or memory_limit to see if it helps, or try xdebug.

But a blank page usually means a seg fault, which should be reported in apache's error log

Mihai007 Pop

Thursday 04 March 2010 3:29:28 am


I appreciate the hard work put to bring this framework! But I must be honest! Things like removing the most used tab in the site and not even mentioning it on the release notes is absolute rubbish! Why would they remove design tab and shop??? I mean I have to spend hours on hours for every upgrade searching through google results to get what I need is a load of rubbish,

I am very frustrated because I have only installed the new version recently and am already sitting with hours spent on figuring out why the tabs don't work or why the virtual hosts don't work etc etc...

What else have they removed without mentioning. Maybe I should check the most common used feature! I am sure they have been removed in some other ini setting.

Guys come on...!

Gaetano Giunta

Thursday 04 March 2010 5:21:09 am

@Mihai007 Pop

- one user's most used feature is another one's least used; I have never seen a single site where those tabs where in use (except the webshop of course)

- it is mentioned in the changelog; maybe not a very visible place, but upgrading without reading changelog and bc (BINARY COMPATIBILITY) file is your responsibility

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Bertrand Dunogier

Thursday 04 March 2010 5:25:08 am


first, I really think you're overdoing it a bit. If webshop is the most useful feature of eZ publish, something is wrong, isn't it ? :)

That aside, even though this was not written in the release notes, and that really is a mistake, it is not that hard to find:

Now two more things:

  • if you setup an unstable version, do not expect the final documentation, release notes and quality you would expect from a stable version. If you choose to test it, you have to be ready for incomplete feature. So yes, it is good that you are providing feedback about it, but bashing an unstable version instead of trying to be constructive isn't what I, on a personal level, would expect. But that is just me.
  • regarding the removal of the webshop tab, the reason is simple, and it is part of a larger change; the webshop, as good as it is, doesn't match everybody's need, and some users like to replace the webshop with their own solution, either completely new, or as an evolution of the existing module. This change will make it possible for these to better integrate their solutions without the default webshop standing in the way.

I hope this helps make you feel better at least a little :-)

Bertrand Dunogier
eZ Systems Engineering, Lyon

André R.

Monday 08 March 2010 12:53:27 am


The eZ publish roadmap mentions for the eZ Publish 4.3 release - March 30th, 2010:
AWS support Amazon S3 and Cloudfront native support

Where I can find more info on this?


You can't, none of the Others ( PDF export, Large File uploa, Flash http streaming, AWS support) parts have been implemented. Thats part of scrum, you take things out if new stuff comes in or takes longer time then expected, like comment system. Unfortunately roadmap page has not been maintained to reflect that.

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André R.

Monday 29 March 2010 6:38:36 am


ekke: but admin2 should use sprites


It does, and I had actually added a couple of new once and merged some changes from admin2pp for beta1 on 20th of February improving YSlow grading for HTTP requests 2-3 grades..

What we did not do for 4.3.0 and probably will not do when we start to merge admin2pp stuff back to admin2, is to use mega sprites, as in images from all over the place merged into one sprite even if those images comes from completely different components and are totally unrelated.
That would make sense to do on a custom multi million dollar web site, but not the back end where we on top it all try to be expendable / customizable / skinable.


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