Sunday 17 July 2011 7:02:37 am - 2 replies


Welcome to eZ Future, the podcast that will keep you updated on the eZ Publish eco system.
From the latest releases reviewed right through to extensions and comments from the community.
In the show:

  • eZ Future Hangout
  • eZ Conference London 2011 roundup
  • Community - latest contributions, interesting articles
  • Upcoming events - eZ Conference

Listen to it here:  or iTunes    
Hosts: Tony Wood, Manpreet Dhesi from 
Special guests : Petri Mertanen,  Robin Muilwijk, Gilles Guirand

» Read full blog post

Author Message

Nicolas Pastorino

Monday 18 July 2011 8:11:17 am

This show is getting more and more interesting, congratulations ! This first Google+ Hangout experience is literally awesome :)

One link worth adding to this eZ Conference review : the link to all slides & recorded sessions of the Community Track. They can be found here :

Manpreet, i heard on Twitter that you will sing next time, i am really looking forward to this.

PS : Join me on Google plus, the eZ Community also is there now :

Keep-up mad Brits, we love eZ Future !

PS2 : i like the idea of Google+ Hangout subjects. 

Nicolas Pastorino
Director Community - eZ
Member of the Community Project Board

eZ Publish Community on twitter:

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G+ :

Tony Wood

Monday 18 July 2011 10:57:39 am

I have uploaded a new version - it got really quiet at the end. This is now fixed.

Tony Wood :
Vision with Technology
Experts in eZ Publish consulting & development

Power to the Editor!

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