Tuesday 05 April 2011 6:59:07 am
OK, here we go...
- what if we need a very high traffic commenting need (for instance if some websites have many comments in every seconds and even we want comments shown in real time), ezp's cache mechanism can not reach this easily.
First thoughts about this... In the case you have described, most possible usages can be presented by two pretty much representative cases:
- a) you have at most 10 comments per article (in average)
- b) you have more than 100 comments per article (in average)
The case a) means that several articles are published every 10 seconds. In such a case you'll have a big performance impact anyway, wether you put your comments in a separate table or not. Yes, there is a 1/10 ratio between articles and comments but articles usually have more than 10 times more content than comments. So publishing few articles every 10 seconds will probably have the same (or even bigger) performance impact than publishing comments every second. Of course, some real world measuring should be done in order to be sure abotu this, but I have a hunch that in this case not much performance benefits will be gained by putting comments in a separate table. In the case b) we should wonder if the eZP + eZ Comments is the right solution. As much as i love eZP and everything that comes with it, we have to be real – it's not a solution for everything. On such a site, with more than 100 comments per article which is using eZP and eZ Comments you'll probably have to do one of the following:
- rethink your choice and whether eZ Comments + standard eZ Publish is the right solution. Since you are dealing with something far more complex than just an article commenting system
- fire your site redaction and hire users as editors/journalist. Since they are obviously generating more content than the current editors :)
Because in the case b), comments will make a far more greater part of the site's content, therefore they should really be treated as content. On such a site you'll probably have the need for most of the features that come from eZP content model. For example a threaded comments view would be a must on such a site. Or sorting articles on different criteria. Or far better comments administration possibilities. Also I believe that in extremes of the case b) (e.g. more than 3000 comments per second) most developers would use a completely custom solution, probably using eZ components and eZP PHP classes. Or they wouldn't use eZP at all.
- what if we need a very high traffic commenting need (for instance if some websites have many comments in every seconds and even we want comments shown in real time), ezp's cache mechanism can not reach this easily.
Second thoughts about this... Instead of reinventing the wheel why not make the existing wheel go faster? Why not improve the eZP publishing mechanism so that it can handle such a scenario. Some improvements were made in eZP 4.5, especially with "asynchronous publishing" (can't wait to try it), but it can go further more... There could be a possibility to skip some parts of the publishing proces in some cases in order to speed it up. So the comment/add function could be implemented by publishing a content object of the Comment class while skipping uneeded parts of the standard publishing process. As for the "displaying comments in realtime" you can make a special fetch function that fetches comments objects using the eZPersistentObject's functions and that creates SQL queries only on the ezcontentobject table. With the table being indexed on class ID field, the performance of this fetches should be as good as when fetching comments from a separate table.
I suppose to add more api documentation when I get time so people can get the hook and extend ezcomments (for instance voting), and actually we even tried a AJAX version in the beginning . Actually the idea of extending ezcomments is a bit tricky - like implementing similar functionality to ezp again, but I think some small features are still worthy.
For now, my opinion stays the same – the eZ Comments should be rewritten.
I think for quite some time, that's the way to go. so if you have some in real project, please share your ideas..
I'm preparing the list, stay tuned...
Nothing is impossible. Not if you can imagine it!
Hubert Farnsworth