Sunday 01 August 2004 3:41:33 pm
Hi all,
I am currently working on a new site which has 3 types of users (called A, B, and C)
A is a standard (guest account) user
B is a standard (guest account) user and also has info about a venue C is a standard (guest account) user and also has info about an event I would like to make a class that both users B and C can 'create' that has information about an event at a venue. However, If B 'creates' the content I would like the parts about the venue pre-filled with info from his user account, and if C 'creates' the content I would like the form pre-filled with info about the event from his user account. Does that make sense? Is there any way that I could do that, or would it be much, much simplier to just have one prefilled form for B, and a separate one for C? If that's true, how do I pre-fill a form with information from a users account, such as the address, region, and postcode from B (a venue account)? Thanks in advance, Tim - Ad network news and reviews - Website publisher guides, tools and news - Make better music