Tuesday 26 July 2005 3:47:49 pm
I'm testing a 3.5.2-3.6.1 upgrade. I'm having a few problems with my 3.5.2 templates running under 3.6.1. Here is one: When I embed an object in an XML text field with the following arguments:
<embed href='ezobject://291' size='300px' align='center' class='popup_block' foo='bar' />
I could access the "class" parameter from my embed override template using $object_parameters.class under version 3.5.2. In version 3.6.1, the other parameters ('size', 'align' and 'foo') are accessible using this method, but class is not. So, how do I access an object's 'class' parameter in my embed override template in 3.6.1?