Friday 09 January 2004 7:45:38 am
Hi guys, I'm glad to hear that you are taking suggestions for usability improvements. Here are some initial suggestions from me. These are of course available for discussion, and I hope others will contribute with their suggestions as well. All suggestions apply to the default admin design. Consistent placing of checkboxes (for deletion), preferably on the very right. The column containing the checkboxes should be labeled "Delete". Consistent labeling of Remove buttons. Som are labeled "Remove" while others are images of a trash bin. A text button is prefered. Also, "Delete" is a more common term than "Remove". Finally, consistent placing of the "Remove" button, preferably right below the column containing the delete checkboxes. The text "Create new object (of the class): " should prepend the drop down list for creating new objects.
The "Update" button which is displayed when a node uses sorting by priority (as well as in templateview view of the setup module) should read "Update priority" to make it clear exactly what it updates. Alternatively, the priority column should be replaced with arrows pointing up and down to easily move an element up and down in a list. This would also make the sorting more consisten with the sorting functionality in the edit view of the class module.
Template should be better grouped and sorted. Finding a template that's not on the "most common templates" list is a true hassle. I have yet to find out how the complete template list is sorted. Also, I would prefer to have the most common templates list replaced with a list that actually contains the templates most commonly edited by me (and not the ones selected by ez). Alternatively, the latest edited templates, like the list that has been implemented recently for classes. The templatelist view of the setup module should be redesigned to recemble the default node line view list. This would include elements like "Edit" and "Copy" buttons for each template. Furthermore, I don't know the purpose of the design resource column. Finally, I would like to have the option of naming templates in a more descriptive manner. The text "Select site design" should prepend the drop down list of available site designs in the templateview view of the setup module. If only one site design is available, the selection list should be hidden. The button "Create new" in templateview view of the setup module should be labeled "Create new template". When one creates a new template with the same name as an existing template, one should be warned before the existing template is overridden. The warning should include a button to select overriding the template, as well as an input box and a button to allow giving the new template a different name. In "view" view of the "content" module there are two drop down lists; one to create an object under the current node, and one to create an object, upon which you have to choose a placement for the node. Consider removing the latter as I think it causes more confusion than usefulness. When creating a new object, I belive it's customary to start by navigating to the node under which one plans to create a new node. Buttons, which purpose is to create a new element (either a node, a template, a class or a placement), should be moved to the top (above the list) when displayed in conjunction with a list. The reason for this is that creating a new element does not directly apply to the elements in the list (as apposed to the "Remove" and "Update" buttons which should remain below the list). The magnifying glass under "Associated objects" in edit view of the content module should be replaced with a button labeled "Browse". When viewing a node or a class, one should have the option of creating a template specific to that node or class. When selecting this action, one should be able to select which template to use as a basis, and which additional conditions that apply (like selecting a specific section in addition to a specific class). The translations have a create potential for improvements. For instance, for somethng as common as the template views of the setup module, most terms are not translated to the selected language. If there is to be any point in providing language packs, maintaining these needs to be a top priority. Consider having the content classes renamed to the the primary language selected upon installation when first installing the distribution. Consider renaming the term classes to "content types" as such a name better describes the purpose for a non-programmer. Node is also a vague term for a non-programmer, but I have no better name suggestion for this element. When clicking the buttons "Bookmark" or "Keep me posted", one should be informed that a bookmark has been added or that one has been added to the notification list for that specific node. A new button labeled "Update order" should be created and placed below the placements table in edit view of the content module. The button should update any changes to the order of each placement, and the main placement, leaving the user in object edit view. The placements table should be placed below the main object edit area to keep the main focus on the object itsself and not its placements. Many newbies will get by without having to alter the placement of an object, at least in the beginning, and having this on top is therefore likely to confuse them. When editing the access rules for a role, the access roles should be automatically activated after being edited without the user having to hit the "Save" button in the edit view of the role module as well. I would very much like some feedback one these suggestions, both from the community and the ez crew. Thanks in advance ! Sincerely, Eirik Johansen PS. Please ask if any of my suggestions are unclear.
Eirik Alfstad Johansen