Thursday 29 April 2010 1:09:56 am
Hi! i'm using ezmultiupload extension and I have a little problem with this tpl: extension/ezmultiupload/design/standard/templates/ezmultiupload/upload.tpl the code where some javascript string variables are being set, there is a TPL code that uses the i18n operator and assigns the returned string to a variable (lines 37-50).
YAHOO.ez.MultiUpload.cfg = {ldelim}
swfURL:'{'javascript/yui/2.7.0/build/uploader/assets/uploader.swf'|ezdesign( 'no' )}',
uploadURL: '{concat( 'ezmultiupload/upload/', $parent_node. node_id )|ezurl( 'no' )}',
uploadVars: {ldelim}
'{$session_name}': '{$session_id}',
'UserSessionHash': '{$user_session_hash}',
'UploadButton': 'Upload'
fileType: '{$file_types}',
progressBarWidth: '300',
allFilesRecived: '{'All files received.'|i18n('extension/ezmultiupload')}',
uploadCanceled: '{'Upload canceled.'|i18n('extension/ezmultiupload')}',
thumbnailCreated: '{'Thumbnail created.'|i18n('extension/ezmultiupload')}'
{rdelim}; The problem is that Catalan language has the ' character and it appears in these translations, so it breaks the javascript string leading to a malfunction. The solution would be a tpl operator that replaces the ' character with '' (double simple quote) so that it doesn't interferes with the js string. But i can't find this operator... did anybody find this problem? Sergi.