Pablo Pernot
Friday 27 February 2009 8:12:22 am
{set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block} won't work. version 4.0.3 site access settings :
ShowXHTMLCode=disabled ShowUsedTemplates=disabled
In the pagelayout template I get (no cache block) : {include uri='design:random_background.tpl'} and the random_background.tpl
{set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block}
{def $rand=rand(1,3)}
<body class="{concat('body-home-0',$rand)}">
<img src={concat('body-home-0',$rand,'.jpg')|ezimage()} id="background" width="100%" alt="" /> {undef $rand} but the random part is cached. any clue ?
Pablo Pernot
Pablo Pernot
Friday 27 February 2009 9:28:41 am
I worked with templatecompiled enabled "before". Do you think the cache is still there because templates are still compiled ? I disabled it, but maybe some templates compiled are still active ? I did --clear-all few times since. Is there a way to check if it is using compiled templates or not ? What should be the best strategy ? Still keeping my random image into the page layout ? Adding cache-block into the template ? thanks
Pablo Pernot
Steven E. Bailey
Saturday 28 February 2009 12:00:50 am
I tried this by turning ViewCaching, TemplateCaching and TemplateCompile on in a test 4.03 environment and replacing my pagelayout with just: {include uri='design:random_background.tpl'} and making random_background.tpl:
{def $rand=rand(1,3)}
<font size="+6">{$rand}</font> </html> Which created a var/<plain>/cache/template/compiled/random_background-<hash> file the first time I loaded. Where the $rand was loaded in that file, it was still a variable - not hard-coded. The random number was never cached - whether the set-block was there or not. So, I think if you can test like this, do it and see for yourself if it is caching or not. Otherwise, are you sure you are testing what you think you are testing and are you sure you aren't being tricked by your local browser cache? Or, I wrapped the stuff in random_background.tpl in a cache-block with a uri key - *THEN* it was cached - so are you absolutely sure that your include isn't in a cache-block?
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Pablo Pernot
Wednesday 04 March 2009 5:13:13 am
Thanks a lot Yes I found that in the compiled template, but obviously the compiled template isn't used because If I'm adding some stuff (var_dump, exit, few other funny things...) nothing happened. It is not my browser cache, nor any other proxy / cache ? any idea ?
// def $rand
unset( $var );
if (! isset( $var ) ) $var = NULL;
while ( is_object( $var ) and method_exists( $var, 'templateValue' ) )
$var = $var->templateValue();
$varData = array( 'value' => $var );
$tpl->processOperator( 'rand',
array (
0 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
0 => 2,
1 => 1,
2 => false,
1 =>
array (
0 =>
array (
0 => 2,
1 => 3,
2 => false,
$rootNamespace, $currentNamespace, $varData, false, false
$var = $varData['value'];
unset( $varData );
if (! isset( $var ) ) $var = NULL;
while ( is_object( $var ) and method_exists( $var, 'templateValue' ) )
$var = $var->templateValue();
if ( $tpl->hasVariable( 'rand', $rootNamespace ) )
$tpl->warning( 'def', "Variable 'rand' is already defined." ); ....
Pablo Pernot