Tuesday 01 April 2003 8:49:20 am
Hey all I'm modifying "/node/view/full.tpl" to make my own view mode. It grabs all the children with this let command {let children=fetch('content','list',hash(parent_node_id,$node.node_id,sort_by,$node.sort_array,limit,$page_limit,offset,$view_parameters.offset))} And then loops through the $children displaying them. however, I'd like a different template piece used for the first five than for the rest. I've tried using section-include and and section-exlude to no avail. I can provide more detail if you need it, but what I'm trying to do here is list the first five articles in a summary-like view, and then insert a heading "Other Articles in this section" and below that, a line-item style listing of the remaning articles. Much like you would see at sitepoint.com or devarticles.com