Monday 06 September 2004 7:22:06 pm
Hi! I hope some-one can help me. I have made a class, that (among others) has a "selection" attribute called "regions" that contains geographical regions(provinces/counties). I would like to set up a search where you can search for a certain business or product(I have been able to set it to search only in a specific node), but only within a specific geographical region, which can be selected from a drop-down list. I tried something like the following, but it only gives me the NAMES of the attributes in the class. I want to be able to constrain my search to a VALUE inside on of those attributes. (By the way, if anyone can point me to a doc that can tell me how the variables below are concatenated and the meaning of each, I will be most grateful! I just don't know what options are available for use, then maybe I would be able to help myself :-) ):
{section name=Attribute show=$search_contentclass_id|gt(0)}
<select name="SearchContentClassAttributeID">
<option value="-1">Any attribute</option>
{section name=ClassAttribute loop=$search_content_class_attribute_array}
<option value="{$}"
{section show=eq($search_contentclass_attribute_id,$}
Thanks for anybody taking the time to help me out!