Wednesday 21 December 2005 5:05:25 am
Thank you for the link. I'll try downloading the last ez from the svn. I have another rss question: I have a error in the log:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare rssimport1() (previously declared in /usr/ez372dev/cronjobs/rssimport.php:139) in /usr/ez372dev/cronjobs/rssimport.php on line 139
Fatal error: eZ publish did not finish its request
The execution of eZ publish was abruptly ended, the debug output is present below.
This error is happening from the last update to 372. This only happends with the last rss feed of a long list. If i add another rss this isn't executed because of the error. If i delete the rss producing the error then i have the error in the last rss of the list. This is a bit weird because all the rss is working fine but the last, alwais the last, no mater wich one i move to the last position I don´t know if this is a bug, it happends in 3 different instalations, with different mysql version, different php compile options and diferent apache compile options. Also checked replacing all the system ezpublish files.
Thanks, Luis