Friday 30 January 2004 5:56:42 am
This regular expression might do the trick, although I'm a bit insecure about whether { | and } are special characters that need escaping. s/(images\/[^,\n]+\.gif)/\{($1)\|ezimage\}/ which in terms of dreamweaver is to put (images\/[^,\n]+\.gif) in the Find:-field and {$1|ezimage} in the Replace:field and check the Use regular expression checbox As mentioned I use DreamWeaver and Fireworks as my HTML and image editors. I usually create my design in plain html files using dummy text etc to see how it will look in real life. Then I insert the eZ template codes at the appropriate places in my design. With Fireworks it's easy as pie to create nice looking JavaScript pop-up menus. The only caveat is that it creates many different references to the images that makes up the navbar. For my two pop-up menus There where 177 instances that needed to change to use the ezimage operator. Thanks to this regular expression it's now quite easy to incorporate whatever design I want.
Best regards
Trond Åge Kvalø (No, I'm not schizofrenic. I just found the solution myself, but wanted to share it :-)