Friday 10 November 2006 7:28:45 am
This is the following of comment "Small calendar bugs" found there: Hi Laurent, here is where I am with my investigation:
about the problem you noted: "if the month printed is january 2007 and I press previous month, the calendar jump to november (current month)." I found out that when I go back to a page which is in cache, the $view_parameters.month is not took from url, so the template believes we are looking at the current month, which is wrong.
What I did: add in my siteaccess/MySite/viewcache.ini.append.php
[ViewCacheSettings] SmartCacheClear=enabled It seemed to have solved the problem. But, when I remove these lines in viewcache.ini, remove var/cache var/MySite/cache, clear all cache, I still no longer have the problem. So, I can no longer investigate since I don't have the problem anymore. Any idea what happened ?
thanks Patrice