Monday 22 February 2010 5:50:13 pm
Hi Andre, Thank you for your reply. I tried changing the code but still not uploading or changing if the file give you an idea here is the rest of the code: the code used for the text area. this one displays the text and can be edited.
" {* Sequence number override *}
{if eq($|wash, "Sequence Numbers")}
<input type="hidden" name="EditContentObject" value="true" /> <p class="box">
<textarea {if not($content_object.can_edit)}READONLY{/if}
name="attr_{$ContentObjectAttribute:item.contentclass_attribute_identifier}" cols="52" rows="{$ContentObjectAttribute:item.contentclass_attribute.data_int1}">{$ContentObjectAttribute:item.content}</textarea></p> " code i used for file type. this code displays the current file if any and a browse button for upload but its not making any changes to the file attribute.
"{elseif eq($|wash, "Tracking sheet")}
{section show=$content_object.can_edit}
{attribute_edit_gui attribute_base=$attribute_base attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item}
{attribute_view_gui attribute_base=$attribute_base attribute=$ContentObjectAttribute:item} {/section} " can you please tell me what i'm missing? its simple for textarea. Really appreciate any reply from you. cheers