Thursday 19 February 2004 1:57:50 am
Hi all,
I can't manage to write access permissions to my module. For now, I need to be logged into eZpublish to access the url, otherwise eZ asks me to log in. Here is my extension/php/modules/catapub/module.php file :
$Module = array( "name" => "catapub" );
$ViewList = array();
$ViewList["recherche"] = array(
"script" => "catapub_recherche.php",
"functions" => array( 'read' ),
'params' => array() );
$FunctionList['read'] = array( ); ?>
I didn't find documentation on how the 'read' permission should be written ???? I'd like to let anyone (anonymous user) access this module (this is a search module)
Thanks for help Vince