Jerry Jalava
Wednesday 12 November 2003 6:23:36 am
eZ crew, Is this thing going to work someday? ;) I just tested it in 3.2-3 and still the bugs haven't been removed...
I have fixed it to work a littlebit better (version data works), but having still some problems...
ie. Why is the memento_key created to Multiplexers workflow_process, but not to the approve_event? Because of this the runcronjobs script will stop and brake everything.
ezapprove_item is pointing to workflow_process that hasn't got the memento_key (approve event). It works well, if I put the memento_key from multiplexer to approve_event, the object gets published correctly, but in the database there still was multiplexers workflow process, so somehow it created a new approve_event process (but object is already published, so this is not necessary)...
And should the multiplexer even be in the workflow_process table?
For me the processes goes there like this:
Multiplexer: INSERT INTO `ezworkflow_process` VALUES (1, '2ea5f04ee7de8cefa2636c299823db97', 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, '0', 3, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1068646688, 1068646688, 0, 0, 4, 'a:3:{s:9:"object_id";s:3:"187";s:7:"version";s:1:"1";s:11:"workflow_id";s:1:"3";}', '7870439eec65dcdbc1c715d6586746f0');
approve_event: INSERT INTO `ezworkflow_process` VALUES (2, '89220cadc53191684892dafb5040e765', 2, 99, 0, 0, 0, '0', 2, 1, 0, 0, 4, 0, 1068646688, 1068646688, 0, 1, 4, 'a:7:{s:11:"workflow_id";s:1:"2";s:7:"user_id";s:2:"99";s:16:"contentobject_id";s:3:"187";s:7:"version";s:1:"1";s:7:"node_id";N;s:9:"object_id";s:3:"187";s:11:"session_key";N;}', ''); Is this even close to right situation? I have my doubts on the approve_event's parameters... When I run the approve event alone without multiplexer, it has a memento_key and the parameters look something like this: a:3:{s:9:"object_id";s:3:"186";s:7:"version";s:1:"1";s:11:"workflow_id";s:1:"2";} I would like to help to get this thing to work. We have a deadline end of this month, and we really need the multiplexers...
Regards, Jerry
Paul Borgermans
Thursday 13 November 2003 2:51:15 pm
Worlflows currently remain a teaser with a somewhat bad taste afterwards. I hope it does not backfire to ez publish: some specs create expectations that do not materialise enough when you try to implement ez publish beyond, say, (postnuke|plone|..)-like sites. The content model is great, even the entire architecture is pretty sound from an academic point of view. If you look at it from a "close distance" it certainly beats many commercial offerings for CMS in this respect. Too many roadblocks unfortunately in terms of bugs and small missing features, unless you are a top-notch php programmer who is willing to dive into the code for weeks/months. Nevertheless, there is much (potential) value in ez publish 3.x and it meets the needs for advanced applications to a certain extent. For some aspects its is already 95% there for real world applications. Others may prove more difficult. Communication from the ez crew is still too sporadic. I hope things change soon in terms of robustness and quality of specified features. Otherwise, I remain loyal :-) -paul
eZ Publish, eZ Find, Solr expert consulting and training