Thursday 16 September 2010 5:13:24 am
Hi guys (and girls) I am having some problems with the search. The problem is I wan`t to search after a object called "La deg inspirere". I know its in eZ Publish. But it will not show. After debugging I found the reason. The search for phrase is splitted up to find the words in a order. And this causes some problems. Because in the sql-tables there is a word "La" but also a word "Lå". This results in that the string match must be "La Lå deg inspirere". Anyone had the same problem, and could provide me with a solution? I have tried to truncate the ezsearch_object_word_link table and run the bin/php/updatesearchindex.php --clean -s nor but that gave me no luck. Looking forward to get some replies from you hard core eZ Publish people :-)
Anders Sandvik Berre