Friday 10 July 2009 6:05:52 am
Thank you, I forgot that cache-block can be used in all templates. I ended up with something like this:
{cache-block keys=array($node.node_id,'loop1') subtree_expiry=$node.url}
{def $nodelist=fetch(...)}
{foreach $nodelist as $n}
{cache-block keys=array($n.node_id,'loop1') subtree_expiry=$n.url}
{node_view_gui content_node=$n}
I have only tested it superficially, but it seems to work and give good speed increase compared to uncached version. I do need a {set-block scope=global variable=cache_ttl}0{/set-block} on top though. Probably because I need the list to be updated when children of children are being changed. One short question, is using $node.url a good way to set subtree_expiry?