Wednesday 22 March 2006 6:36:03 am
Hi, In the following code I remove all the objects with the content 'ez publish sucks' in a specific attribute. But I was wondering if 'purge' is the good way to do this. I really want to delete the complete objects, but I'm not sure if the object would also been delete if it is a related object from another object. Maybe there is a possibility to write this code shorter/faster ? And what with the caching ?
if ( is_numeric( $node_id ) and is_numeric( $class_id ) and is_numeric ( $attr_id ))
$node =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::fetch( $node_id );
$tree=eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTree( array( 'ClassFilterArray' => array($class_id),
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'AttributeFilter' =>
array('AND',array($attr_id,'<','ez publish sucks')),
'mainNodeOnly' => true), $node_id ) ;
foreach ($tree as $item)
$item_node_id = $item->attribute( 'node_id' );
$object = eZContentObject::fetchByNodeID( $item_node_id );
Thanks a lot, Katrien