Monday 20 June 2005 1:21:41 pm
I want to say next things - I'm in despair! I'm familar with EZ for half a year...
Community seems to be very big and doing stuff.. Tons of bugs are being fixed... product passed several stable releases.. I very like the Idea of EZPublish but!! Most common sections like user and search modules don't have basic functions or you have to be an Einshtein to apply this.. Stuff with dates is undercover! it's "not documented yet".. I've been waiting for DECENT documentation for half a year!!!! Is it too hard to stop typing code for 1 month and document what have been done??.. Where are examples?? this "Building site.." sucks!!! When you need something more complex then math funcs you always have to dig heap of messages called forum and ask someone to help you... Developers of EZ systems feel like being in a jungle at night!! I suggest you guys to make a little stop with releases and write a decent documentation... Without it EZpublish it's somebody's personal code for his needs...