Rainer Krauss
Thursday 02 July 2009 2:02:01 am
Dear all, have been looking at source code from project extensions for some time now, and apparently I'm not getting it right..
Please, what is the source code I need to use (in ezp 4.1) to:
- create a new user, given account details such as first and last name, email and password
- assign them to a specified user group
- assign them to a specified section ? Thanks in advance for your reply.
Best wishes, Rainer
Xavier Langlois
Thursday 02 July 2009 9:49:11 am
Hello, here's what you're looking for (tested on ez4.1)
function createUser($parentNodeId, $userClassId, $sectionId, $login, $email, $password, $dataTextAttributeList)
$class = eZContentClass::fetch( $userClassId );
$contentObject = $class->instantiate( 1, 1 );
$contentObjectId = $contentObject->attribute( 'id' );
//$contentObject->setAttribute( 'name', $login);
$dataMap = $contentObject->dataMap();
foreach($dataTextAttributeList as $identifier=>$value)
$attribute = $dataMap[$identifier];
$attribute->setAttribute( 'data_text', $value);
$nodeAssignment = eZNodeAssignment::create( array(
'contentobject_id' => $contentObjectId,
'contentobject_version' => $contentObject->attribute( 'current_version' ),
'parent_node' => $parentNodeId,
'sort_field' => 2,
'sort_order' => 0,
'is_main' => 1));
$version = $contentObject->version( 1 );
$version->setAttribute( 'status', 'EZ_VERSION_STATUS_DRAFT' );
$user = new eZUser( $contentObject->attribute( 'id' ) );
$user->setAttribute('login', $login );
$user->setAttribute('email', $email );
$hashType = eZUser::hashType() . "";
$newHash = $user->createHash( $login, $password, eZUser::site(), $hashType );
$user->setAttribute( "password_hash_type", $hashType );
$user->setAttribute( "password_hash", $newHash );
$operationResult = eZOperationHandler::execute( 'content', 'publish', array( 'object_id' => $contentObjectId, 'version' => 1 ) );
//assign section ... maybe there is a shorter way
$object = eZContentObject::fetch( $contentObjectId, true);
eZContentObjectTreeNode::assignSectionToSubTree( $contentObject->attribute( 'main_node_id' ), $sectionId );
return $user;
//eg: create a new user under user group "Users" (node_id=5)
$dataTextAttributeList = array('first_name'=>'Toto', 'last_name'=>'De La Motte');
$oUser = createUser( 5, 4, 2, "toto", "[email protected]", 'pass', $dataTextAttributeList );
There were these two cows, chatting over the fence between their fields.
The first cow said, "I tell you, this mad-cow-disease is really pretty scary. Don't you think ?"
The other cow replies, "Hell, I ain't worried, I'm a duck !"