Wednesday 21 November 2007 1:23:21 am
Hi, I have a list of the latest news in the home page that fetch all the content below the node media/new When I publish a new content (class news) under media/news, I doesn't refresh the HP (standard behaviour). So I added that in the viewcache.ini.append of the admin siteaccess:
#clear the home page (related to media folder id 41)
And I related the home page node with the media node. cleared all cache However, when I modify a new, it doesn't update the home page. Do you have any idea ? More generally, the smart cache is seriously black magic, the syntax seems to change from version to version (I'm on 3.9.10) and I really don't know how to debug it, or to see if one of the extra rule is taken into account or not. Any suggestion more than welcome. X+