Tuesday 29 August 2006 10:18:13 am
I have a question With a code like this:
$nodeArray =& eZContentObjectTreeNode::subTree( array(
'ClassFilterType' => 'include',
'ClassFilterArray' => $classID,
'Depth' => $depth, ), $parentNodeID );
foreach (array_keys( $nodeArray ) as $key ){
$node =& $nodeArray[$key];
$objectName =& $node->attribute('name');
$objectDate =& $node->attribute('Published');
$objectModified =& $node->attribute('Modified');
echo("$i -- $objectName -- $objectDate -- $objectModified\n");
I get the name of the object, but date and modified date are not displayed and don't know why or how to make date and modified date visible. Any idea? thanks