Tuesday 08 May 2007 6:32:34 pm
I people, I want to create a function that can be called from a template which fetches events for a single month in some/all calendars in a site. The function will return a array of arrays having each day as an element to be able to display it like webcalendar (displaying event names in each table cell with links or popup on mouseover). Anyway, here is where I'm having trouble: I don't know how to fetch objects depending on attributes. I can easily do it from a template, but I can't figure out how to do it from a php function. Here is a simplified fetch that would be enough for testing. Logically, this should return nothing, but it returns the same thing, no matter if the "array( 'or', array('event/from_time', '<', 0) )" condition is there:
$events = eZPersistentObject::fetchObjectList( eZContentObject::definition(),
array( 'contentclass_id' => 30,
array( 'or', array('event/from_time', '<', 0) ) ),
true );
What is incorrect in my condition parameter ?