Thursday 17 September 2009 6:56:55 am
I would like to generate a xml file with the meta-data of my object Here is the code :
foreach ( $currentVersion->contentObjectAttributes() as $attribute )
$classAttribute = $attribute->contentClassAttribute();
if ( $classAttribute->attribute( "is_searchable" ) == 1 )
// Fetch attribute translations
$attributeTranslations = $attribute->fetchAttributeTranslations();
foreach ( $attributeTranslations as $translation )
// here is the text !!
$text =$translation->metaData();
When I index an pdf file using ezfind & solr, my "metadata text" is packed. I have only some #####
How can I my unpacked text ? Do i have to some a request to solr ? Any help is welcome :) Fabien