Monday 15 March 2004 5:56:34 am
Hi Bruce! How big is your site? How many objects do you have in your database, or how many mb/gb is your database? It's also interesting to know if you have a lot of roles, sections, how many own-made classes etc. etc. If you have testet this platform with Apache 2 and have a small site(a little bit larger in size than the demo), then it's not easy to take your test-results into consideration. It would be nice if someone with a large site (many objects, roles, sections etc. etc) could give feedback on how eZ publish works with Apache 2 and new PHP and Mysql versions. ..or maybe eZ can give us recommendations on what to do, because our company are planning to upgrade to RedHat AS 3.0 with Apache 2..and it's not so cool to downgrade, because other site on the same server needs Apache 2.
So, Bruce..maybe your site is big, so lett me know the info I mention above :) Would be of a great help! Tnx.