Piotrek Karaś
Monday 05 May 2008 11:49:54 am
Hi there, Could anyone provide me with a recipe for completely removing an object (all of its versions, nodes, references/relations, etc...) via eZ API, leaving the installation in a consistent state? I've spent some time reading the kernel, some things worked better, some worse, but nothing worked 100%, and I'm running out of time ;) Basically, I'm looking for an operation list to remove object (all of its stuff) by its object ID.
I'd be grateful for any help on this. Piotrek
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Pascal von Büren
Tuesday 06 May 2008 1:54:48 am
Hi Piotrek, this seems to do the job fairly well:
function deleteObject($objectId)
$moveToTrash = false;
$object = eZContentObject::fetch((int) $objectId);
if (!is_object($object))
return false;
$nodes = $object->attribute('assigned_nodes');
//remove all nodes that are not main and their subtree
foreach ($nodes as $node)
if (!$node->attribute('is_main'))
eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees( array($node->attribute('node_id')), $moveToTrash );
//loop again for the mainnode
$nodes = $object->attribute('assigned_nodes');
foreach ($nodes as $node)
eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees( array($node->attribute('node_id')), $moveToTrash );
return true;
André R.
Tuesday 06 May 2008 5:06:12 am
Slightly slimmer:
function deleteObject( $objectId )
$moveToTrash = false;
$object = eZContentObject::fetch( (int) $objectId );
if (!is_object($object))
return false;
$nodes = $object->attribute('assigned_nodes');
$mainNodeId = $object->attribute('main_node_id');
//remove all nodes that are not main and their subtree
foreach ($nodes as $node)
if ( $node->attribute('node_id') != mainNodeId )
eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees( array($node->attribute('node_id')), $moveToTrash );
// remove main node an it's subtree
eZContentObjectTreeNode::removeSubtrees( array( $mainNodeId ), $moveToTrash );
return true;
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