Dominik Pich
Thursday 18 December 2003 12:51:59 am
Why does this NOT work
{let menuitem=fetch('content', object, hash(object_id, 46))}
while this does: {let children_count=fetch('content',list_count,hash(parent_node_id,46))
Olav Lillebø
Thursday 18 December 2003 1:54:44 am
Suggestion. If it is node_id 46 you are interested in, it's object_id is probably not 46. You can try {$node|attribute(show)}
Gunnstein Lye
Thursday 18 December 2003 2:38:56 am
Yup, nodes and objects are not the same. The object is the collection of attributes, and the node is a placement in the tree. They usually have different IDs. You can see the object id for instance in the edit link.
Dominik Pich
Thursday 18 December 2003 2:47:45 am
First, thank you both for your fast replies. Ill check your solutions now. One more question though... can object_ids and node_ids equal? For some IDs it even works.
Gunnstein Lye
Thursday 18 December 2003 2:54:57 am
Yes, they can be equal, but that's just coincidence.
Dominik Pich
Thursday 18 December 2003 3:16:11 am
//node_id used
{let menuitem=fetch('content', object, hash(object_id, 45))}
{node_view_gui view=menu content_node=$menuitem element_id="carlton" element_name="menu"} {/let}
//object_id used
{let menuitem=fetch('content', object, hash(object_id, 42))}
{node_view_gui view=menu content_node=$menuitem element_id="carlton" element_name="menu"} {/let} // FOR THE ABOVE NODE_ID WORKS
in menu.tpl as called by node_view gui
$ = ID from above
{let children_count=fetch('content',list_count,hash(parent_node_id,$} if node_id count > 0 else count == 0
Gunnstein Lye
Thursday 18 December 2003 4:04:18 am
When you use fetch('content', object, hash(object_id,xx)) then xx MUST be an object id.
When you use node_view_gui, you MUST supply a node. $menuitem is a content object in this case. This should work: {node_view_gui view=menu content_node=$menuitem.main_node ...
fetch('content',list_count,hash(parent_node_id,$ $ will not work. Use $node_id or $node.node_id, depending on your template code.
Dominik Pich
Thursday 18 December 2003 4:27:51 am
The difference between a node and an object wasnt clear to me. I now use the func. 'node' to which I pass node_id and later on, $node.node_id It isnt clear to me at all why some did work before but now all do. Thank you
Balazs Halasy
Thursday 18 December 2003 4:35:12 am
Regarding the difference between objects and nodes, please read the docs: Balazs