Tuesday 03 February 2004 11:45:11 am
This is a follow up to a thread from back in May last year: http://ez.no/community/forum/developer/shop_account_users At the time I didn't quite understand how eZ built their shop user but after digging around 'shop/userregister.php' and the shop handler for it i understand now. This allows for two types of user to exist on the same site: something that isnt possible with the standard user set up, at least from a registration point of view on the user side. I have a few reservations about that method, and had a think about whether it would be suitable for our sites. I prefer using standard user objects and classes for user activity. Would it be possible to add this functionlity to eZ? I might try to change the UserSettings INI values on demand to see if i can have shop and regular users co-existing on a site. From what i can see as long as each user object has a user account attribute all should be well. However, it would be lovely if this was standard functionality. I'll add an enhancement request. Paul