Tuesday 09 August 2005 2:18:20 am
Hi, I'm wondering if you have read my answer to your previous post on the same issue
It follows ---------------------------------------------- You have at least two ways of doing it Using Template fecth function : http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/reference/modules/content/fetch_functions/search This way you have to create and program the search form yourself
or you can use EZP custom search box (a further development of ezp advanced search implementation ) http://ez.no/products/ez_publish_cms/documentation/customization/components/search/custom_search_box I would recommend you this second way, because it is easier to implement, and lets you reuse ezp advanced search mechanism with a bit of programming for "attribute based search", when you are done with this overriding the ezp advanced search template is only a matter of creating a template view (advanced search does support it)
To understand how to create template views you can follow this links http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/concepts_and_basics/modules_and_views
http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/templates/template_basics#template_generation http://ez.no/doc/ez_publish/technical_manual/3_6/templates/the_template_override_system