Wednesday 30 March 2011 7:33:11 am
Hello, I have added a style into the "styleselect" in "Online Editor 5". When i want to apply a style the class is added but when i save, the class is removed. I try to modify the template of each element concerned (span and paragraph). This is the code in /siteaccess/templates/content/datatype/view/ezxmltags/ : - for the paragraph.tpl {set $classification = cond( and(is_set( $align ), $align ), concat( $classification, ' text-', $align ),$classification )} <p{if $classification|trim} class="{$classification|wash}"{/if}>{if eq( $content|trim(), '' )} {else}{$content}{/if}</p> - for the span tpl <span {if is_set( $color )}style="color: {$color}"{/if} {if $classification|trim} class="{$classification|wash}"{/if}>{$content}</span> Thanks Mathieu H.