Wednesday 09 June 2004 11:59:13 am
I'm setting up subversion (SVN) to track our ezpublish-based projects, and am slowly working towards the best way to do this (based on a few postings to the forums, and my own experiments). In order to support multiple version of the same site (each developer will have their own working copy), I think I can get away with just adding each site's URL to HostMatchMapItems in settings/override/site.ini.append.php:
And then I seem to be able to just delete SiteURL from settings/siteaccess/SITE/site.ini.apppend and settings/siteaccess/SITE_admin/site.ini.apppend <b>Here's my question. While this seems to be working at the moment, is there any reason I shouldn't do things this way?</b> I plan to use the same database on the development server for all the developers, as well as the test/staging site.